Values-driven career plan for students

ESF; Vlaamse overheid
Research Project

Odisee and Howest are working on a values-driven career plan for students with support from the European Social Fund, Flanders and Europe. Thanks to this track, students are being explored to make more sustainable career choices. After a thorough test project in Howest and Odisee, it will be evaluated whether this service can become valuable for all students.

The project "Value-driven career plan for students: the key to sustainable employment" aims to make students aware of their own choices towards a sustainable career(early) during their career.

Research shows that almost 1 in 2 starting employees is already looking for another job within the year. In addition, own polls within the colleges involved show that the majority of students find the guidance to internship and work insufficiently well handled by the college. There are also huge differences between the fields of study at the universities of applied sciences in the way in which students are prepared to make a good choice for an internship or a later job. The surveys also show that students are not made sufficiently aware that freelancing or developing their own business is also a possibility within a career plan.

With this project, we want to combine digital value applications with the existing expertise on values and context within Howest and Odisee and test them in practice, in order to offer a professional, innovative service.

Read a report of the survey of internship coordinators about a values-driven career plan for students here.

Onderwijs waardengedreven loopbaanplan studenten

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Howest University of Applied Sciences

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