About us

The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) conducts innovative and high quality practice-oriented scientific research on how sustainable entrepreneurship can be put into practice in family businesses and SMEs.

CenSE carries out both study assignments for local stakeholders (e.g. companies, local authorities, business support agencies and stakeholders who advocate sustainable entrepreneurship), and international grant providers (e.g. ESF, Interreg, ERDF, Erasmus+, and other European programs), as well as assignments in the framework of internal research funds.

CenSE team workshop

As a research group within Odisee University of Applied Sciences, CenSE is committed to three aspects:


CenSE plays a leading role in education regarding sustainable entrepreneurship. This includes encouraging both entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit in students. CenSE is also strong in competence research.

CenSE has already developed several training modules and tools, such as a didactic offer on the development of future-oriented and sustainable competences. This is offered in both regular courses and continuing education. Thus, not only students are addressed: teachers and their own researchers are also invited to continuously develop themselves. The continuous development and stimulation of these competencies are the basis of state-of-the-art research.

Our research projects are always based on practical questions from the field. Do you have a concrete question for us? Are you looking for a solution to a sustainability problem? Contact us!


We conduct independent, scientifically objective and integer practice-oriented research for the sustainable management of SMEs and family businesses. We always approach this research from a systemic approach and in a co-creative manner.

Our research projects are always based on practical questions from the field. Do you have a concrete question for us? Are you looking for a solution to a sustainability problem? Contact us!

Services to society

Practice-oriented Scientific Research within CenSE contributes to social value creation.

Practice-oriented scientific research means that our work always results in useful output for the field. This valorization shows through the development of learning methods, tools, guidance and other instruments that are directly applicable to practice. We also publish in applied, practice-oriented and academic journals and various media.

Our research projects are always based on practical questions from the field. Do you have a concrete question for us? Are you looking for a solution to a sustainability problem? Contact us!

Structural partnerships

CenSE has a structural partnership with the following and other organizations: