
Some of our seminars, events and tools aimed at professionals in the field

  • Webinar - Gender diversity on corporate boards

    The project Equbusiness aims to encourage gender diversity in corporate boards. Via the links below, you can re-watch our webinar where we present our e-book, or have a look at our website with digital learning modules for (aspiring) board members. 

    Re-watch the webinar 

    Discover the Equality in business website

  • Learning Network Education: theme day and workshops

    For the next two years, we offer the learning network 'Sustainable and professional facility management in schools', which is open to all educational institutions in Flanders. We do this by order of the Flemish Department of Education & Training and thus contribute to sustainable learning environments. Inspiration, discovery and activation are central and provided through a diverse mix of theme days, school visits and do-sessions. Become part of our learning network and contribute to sustainable schools in Flanders.

    Discover all events of this project


Some of our training and tools aimed at education

  • Micro-credential Sustainable solutions to complex problems

    In the video, the head of our research group, Bart Henssen, explains why it is necessary to find sustainable solutions to complex problems. Would you like to learn more about this systemic way of thinking and are you looking for a short, practice-oriented and scientifically based training to achieve sustainable change?

    Watch the video

    Discover the training

  • Education for sustainable development

    The TEACH4SD consortium is organizing regular events on education for sustainable development over the next few years. The project aims to bring together key stakeholders, educators, policy makers and industry leaders to discuss and promote sustainable practices in education.

    Discover upcoming and past events


Some of our publications aimed at academics

  • Report - mapping crowdfunding platforms


    Crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful way to raise funds for a variety of initiatives, including community-based projects. The GrowthFundMe project aims to develop an e-learning and civic crowdfunding platform to support community-based entrepreneurship. Therefore, existing crowdfunding platforms were analyzed. Curious about our insights?

    Discover the report

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