GO & LearNET

Research Project

The Go&LearNET for Educational Trainers (Go&LearNET) is a European Leonardo Da Vinci project, which aims to bring technical and vocational training in secondary schools and the labor market closer together in various ways.

The project has the following goals:

  1. to support, develop and improve networks between vocational and secondary schools with the labor market, so that teachers can improve their knowledge of the labor market and better respond to needs from the field;
  2. commit to informal learning in companies, through economic discovery visits and thematic seminars in companies;
  3. promote "in-company" seminars that pursue several goals: improving teachers' teaching skills, increasing their technical competencies, facilitating students' access to the labor market.


Man met helm werkt aan koelinstallatie

Our partners

  • Italy: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, ENAIP FVG, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, Regione Marche, Regione Umbria, Consorzio Futuro Umbria, ECIPAR, ASABo
  • Belgium: HUBrussels
  • Slovenia: MCC
  • Hungary: Uniflexys
  • Turkey: HA.OG.AK. DERNEGI

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