Who is who
Bart Henssen
Hoofd van het Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- bart.henssen@odisee.be
- Phone
- 0470901757
Roles and functions
- Lid Onderwijsteam Bedrijfsmanagement - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderwijsteam Organisatie en Management - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Bedrijfskunde
- Onderzoekscoördinator Bedrijfskunde
- Diensthoofd Onderzoekscentrum CenSE
- Lid Onderzoekscentrum CenSE
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Allocatiemodel Hoger Onderwijs (opens in a new window)Project allocatiemodel; 2019
Hoe maak je van je medewerkers 'eigenaars'? (opens in a new window)VOKA Tribune ; 2016; pp. 22 - 22
Woon- en leefkosten De Klokke vzw - vertrouwelijk (opens in a new window)Bepaling van de woon- en leefkosten De Klokke vzw; 2018
Toekomstscenario's Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs. Nota uit de werkgroep onderzoek en innovatie (opens in a new window)Bots, Jessica; Denekens, Joke; Denys, Elke; Hugé, Jean; Lamote, Veerle; Leyman, Annik; Stevens, Hilde; Van Acker, Karel; Van der Sluys, Veerle; Waas, Tom; Willems, Inge; Ecocampus,
Ondernemer piekt tussen 46 en 50 jaar. Succesvolste mensen hebben in het verleden al eens gefaald (opens in a new window)Henssen, Bart; Mattheeuws, Christine
Talent werven in het postcoronatijdperk (opens in a new window)HR Magazine; 2021
Van duurzaam HRM 1.0 naar duurzaam HRM 3.0 (opens in a new window)HR Square; 2020; Vol. Maart-April 2020; iss. 197; pp. 26 - 27
Ondernemers op hun best tussen 46 en 50. Dankzij ervaring, zelfvertrouwen en...fouten (opens in a new window)Henssen, Bart; Mattheuws, Christine
Duurzaamheidstraject Solucious (opens in a new window)Henssen, Bart; Oers, Bram
Onderzoeksrapport duurzaam HRM: een meervoudige case study in de Vlaamse private en publieke sector (opens in a new window)De Prins, Peggy; Janssens, Ilse; Foulon, Carl; De Troyer, Goedele; Van Hoydonck, Anouck; Smits, Dirk; Dessein, Domien; Henssen, Bart
Sustainable HRM in advanced education in Flanders: a multiple case study approach (opens in a new window)11th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Date: 2019/11/14 - 2019/11/15, Location: Tilburg
Building a theoretical framework for sustainable HRM from case study research (opens in a new window)European Group of Organizational Studies Conference, Date: 2018/07/04 - 2018/07/07, Location: Tallinn
Expert class Systems Thinking (opens in a new window)International Summer School Sustainable Management 2022, Date: 2022/09/05 - 2022/09/09, Location: Brussels & Ghent
Challenges for Family Business in the Digital Economy. Sustainability in the digital age (opens in a new window)Family Business Symposium, Date: 2018/09/25 - 2018/09/27, Location: Perth, Australia
Balancing Financial and Non-financial Wealth: Strategic actions and uncertainty (opens in a new window)18th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Date: 2023/10/02 - 2023/10/03, Location: Naples
Sustainability in family business (opens in a new window)Italian Assocation of Family Business (AIDAF), Location: Palermo
CEO's identification with the family firm: Burden or joy? (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Date: 2013/07/02 - 2013/07/05, Location: St. Gallen
Into the mindset of entrepreneurial resourcefulness (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Date: 2013/07/02 - 2013/07/05, Location: St.Gallen
A different perspective on defining family firms: The ownership construct revisited (opens in a new window)11th Annual World Family Business Research Conference, Location: Sicily, Italy
Bridging the theory - practice gap: Applying the triple layered business model canvas to family business (opens in a new window)CeFEO Research Seminar, Location: Jönköping
Benevolent family leadership: When does it matter for non-family employees' turnover intentions? (opens in a new window)Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium 2022, Date: 2022/09/28 - 2022/09/28, Location: online
Understanding the collective nature of psychological ownership in family firms (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Location: Hamburg
Promoting Psychological Ownership among Non-Family Employees: A Case Study (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Date: 2016/06/27 - 2016/06/30, Location: Bogota
Systems thinking and sustainable communities (opens in a new window)International Summer School Sustainable Management, edition Ecuador, Date: 2019/07/08 - 2019/07/12, Location: Guayacuil
Efficiënt motiveren en duurzaam HRM (opens in a new window)HR SQUARE-SEMINARIE. EFFICIËNT MOTIVEREN, Date: 2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23, Location: Brussel
Family Firms and Keys to Longevity: Evidence from the Past and Looking Ahead (opens in a new window)Family Business Asia Pacific Symposium 2019, Date: 2019/04/24 - 2019/04/27, Location: Manila
Introduction systemic thinking (opens in a new window)Symposium Systemic Transformation for Sustainability, Location: Brussels
Duurzame transities in organisaties (opens in a new window)Lerend Netwerk Duurzaam Facility Management, Date: 2024/01/09 - 2024/01/09, Location: Brussel
Duurzaam ondernemen in de veehouderij (opens in a new window)Veetournee op de PC 2021 - Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Location: online
Presentatie Adviesverlening Duurzame Bedrijfstransformatie - CenSE (opens in a new window)Blikopener Adviesverlening aan Bedrijven, Location: Online
3L Business Model Canvas (opens in a new window)Hackaton EMS - Capgemini: Creating a sustainable conscious mindset among Capgemini employees, Location: Brussel
Machine Learning and Family Business: On the Brink of a Revolution? (opens in a new window)CeFEO Research Seminar, Location: Sweden
Sustainable Human Resource Policies: a multiple case study approach. (opens in a new window)34TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Date: 2019/04/25 - 2019/07/26, Location: Vienna
How to strategize for a resilient and sustainable organization? (opens in a new window)ISM Executive Master in Management, Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Dienstverlenings- en onderzoeksprojecten als katalysator voor een onderzoeksmindset (opens in a new window)Studiedag 'Integratie van onderzoek in onderwijs', Date: 2015/02/24 - 2015/02/24, Location: Leuven
Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in coping with resource deficiencies: A case study illustrating the development from a serial intrapreneur to an owner-manager of a family firm (opens in a new window)9th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Date: 2013/05/23 - 2013/05/25, Location: Helsinki
Conditions influencing CEO resilience in family firms during crisis: A configurational approach (opens in a new window)Center for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) Research Seminar, Location: online
Who is family? (opens in a new window)CeFEO Research Seminar, Location: Jönköping
The dynamics of psychological ownership in family firms: A new perspective on non-financial value creation (opens in a new window)Workshop on Family Firm Research - European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Date: 2009/01/01 - 2009/01/01, Location: Hasselt
CEO's Joy of Working for the Family Firm: The role of Stewardship and Agency Behavior (opens in a new window)European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Date: 2014/06/04 - 2014/06/07
CEOs' Identification with the Family Firm and their Affective Commitment: Exploring the Role of Targets of Psychological Ownership (opens in a new window)IFERA, Date: 2014/06/24 - 2014/06/27, Location: Lappeenranta - Finland
The determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms. A multilevel configurational approach (opens in a new window)38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, Location: Vienna
Envisioning the Future of Research Trends in Family Businesses: Roundtable Discussion (opens in a new window)Family Business Asia Pacific Symposium 2019, Date: 2019/04/24 - 2019/04/27, Location: Manila
Benevolent Family Leadership: When Does it Matter for Non-family Employees’ Turnover Intentions (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2022 conference, Date: 2022/06/22 - 2022/06/24, Location: Santander
Who is Family? (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2024 conference, Date: 2024/06/18 - 2024/06/21, Location: Carcavelos, Lisbon
Agency and psychological ownership in family firms: Governance and performance issues (opens in a new window)Annual World Family Business Research Conference, Date: 2010/07/06 - 2010/07/09, Location: Lancaster - UK
Determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms: A multilevel configurational approach (opens in a new window)CeFEO Research Seminar, Location: Jönköping
The determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms. A multilevel configurational approach. (opens in a new window)Center for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) Research Seminar, Location: online
The determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms. A multilevel configurational approach. (opens in a new window)International QCAPaper Development Workshop 2021, Date: 2021/12/13 - 2021/12/14, Location: Zurich
Conditions Influencing CEO Resilience in Family Firms during Crisis: A Configurational Approach (opens in a new window)4th Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium 2021, Date: 2021/09/30 - 2021/09/30, Location: online
Family Business and future challenges: The Family in Business Model Canvas (opens in a new window)CenSE Research Week, Date: 2024/03/18 - 2024/03/22, Location: Brussels
Leadership in family business: A relational perspective (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Location: Hamburg
Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie. Presented at the online masterclass Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie, 26 March 2020 (opens in a new window)Online Masterclass Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie, Date: 2020/03/26 - 2020/03/26, Location: Online
Systems thinking and sustainable communities (opens in a new window)International Summer School Sustainable Management, Date: 2018/07/09 - 2018/07/13, Location: Bogota, Colombia
Spiritual Leadership: A Family Business Case Study (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2019 conference, Date: 2019/06/17 - 2019/06/21, Location: Bergamo, Italy
The role of Joy at Work in the family business succession process: An exploration of its dimensions and antecedents (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference, Date: 2017/06/28 - 2017/07/01, Location: Zadar
Duurzame onderzoeksamenwerking met universiteiten (opens in a new window)Onderzoeksdag Odisee, Date: 2017/09/05 - 2017/09/05, Location: Gent
Systems thinking and sustainable communities (opens in a new window)International Summer School Sustainable Management, Date: 2017/09/11 - 2017/09/15, Location: Brussels / Ghent, Belgium
Longevity and Sustainability of Family Firms: Lessons from the Past and Directions for the Future (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2018 conference, Date: 2018/07/03 - 2018/07/06, Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Family firms and Sustainable Human Resource Management: Is there a Match? (opens in a new window)CeFEO / JIBS Research Seminar, Location: Jönköping University, Sweden
The family business as a sustainable systemic ‘irritator’ in the Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (opens in a new window)19TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON FAMILY FIRM MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, Date: 2024/09/30 - 2024/10/01, Location: Barcelona
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 1 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 2 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 3 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Sustainable transition in family firms: developing shared mental models (opens in a new window)19TH EIASM WORKSHOP ON FAMILY FIRM MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, Date: 2024/09/30 - 2024/10/01, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Family Firms and their Keys to Longevity: Historical Evidence and Future Guidelines (opens in a new window)Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day (BERD), Date: 2019/05/03 - 2019/05/03, Location: Louvain-la-Neuve
Artificial Intelligence and Family Business: On the Brink of a Revolution? (opens in a new window)CenSE Seminar "Family Businesses & Future challenges", Location: Brussels
Presentation: Introduction to systems thinking (opens in a new window)International Week Odisee, Location: Online
Artificial Intelligence and Family Business: On the Brink of a Revolution? (opens in a new window)18TH EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Date: 2023/10/02 - 2023/10/03, Location: Naples
Partnerships and cross-sectoral collaborations for Circular Economies (opens in a new window)8th International Conference on New Business Models, Date: 2023/06/22 - 2023/06/23, Location: Maastricht
Shared purpose? The family business as a sustainable system ‘irritator’ in the sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem (opens in a new window)MMTC & CeFEO Research Seminar, Date: 2024/11/06 - 2024/11/06, Location: Jönköping International Business School
The family business as a sustainable systemic ‘irritator’ in the Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (opens in a new window)Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium, Date: 2024/09/26 - 2024/09/26, Location: Perth
Looking forward or tapping into past experience: Family firms’ long-term orientation and traditions as drivers of company performance (opens in a new window)15th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research: Family entrepreneurship and society, Date: 2019/05/23 - 2019/05/25, Location: Nantes, France
The role of psychological ownership during change processes in family businesses: Towards an integrated model and future research directions (opens in a new window)EIASM, Workshop on family firm management research: innovation, family firms and economic development, Date: 2014/05/23 - 2014/05/24, Location: Bergamo (Italy)
Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of CEOs’ Psychological Ownership toward Change Processes in Family Firms (opens in a new window)11th workshopon family firm management research, Date: 2015/05/29 - 2015/05/30, Location: Lyon, France
Family firms after the financial and economic crisis: Did they weather the Great Recession? (opens in a new window)12th workshop on family firm management research, Date: 2016/05/13 - 2016/05/14, Location: Zwolle
Looking forward by tapping into the past: Family firms’ long-term orientation and traditions as drivers of business performance (opens in a new window)Third Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium 2020, Location: online
Scholen & FM (opens in a new window)Studiedag werkplekleren, SE en facilitair beheer scholen, Location: Heirman teirlinck Gebouw - BXL
Co-creation with the professional field: best practice case International Summer School Sustainable Management (opens in a new window)NVAO peer-to-peer event System-wide analysis, Location: online
Citizen science as driver in the systemic transformation towards a sustainable food system (opens in a new window)Symposium Systemic Transformation for Sustainability, Location: Brussels
Duurzame Verandering in het Hoger Onderwijs (opens in a new window)Studiedag Duurzame Verandering in het Hoger Onderwijs, Date: 2019/10/11 - 2019/10/11, Location: Ghent
Webinar 'Korte Keten & Brussel - marktkansen en verwachtingen' (opens in a new window)Korte keten en Brussel, Location: online
Towards Sustainable Business Models for the Healthcare Industry: An Empirical Analysis of 32 Healthcare Startups (opens in a new window)9th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2024), Location: San Sebastian
The role of psychological ownership during change processes in family businesses (opens in a new window)International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Location: Hamburg
Education for sustainable development & SDGs in your classroom: Stairway to SDG & Summer School Sustainable Management (opens in a new window)International Week Odisee, Location: Online
Innovatiebeurs Gent 2015 (opens in a new window)Hogeveen, Jippe Jan; Henssen, Bart
Researching Family Businesses in Asia: Roundtable Discussion (opens in a new window)Henssen, Bart; Ramos, Hazel Melanie; Caspersz, Donella
Beurs Transport & Logistics Antwerpen 2015 (opens in a new window)Hogeveen, Jippe Jan; Henssen, Bart
Opleidingspagina Microcredential Systemische Transformatie (opens in a new window)Haentjens, Wim; Henssen, Bart; Marchand, Fleur
Poster Summer School Sustainable Management (opens in a new window)Molderez, Ingrid; Henssen, Bart
Panel discussion – ‘Getting started with systems thinking’ (opens in a new window)Henssen, Bart; Deneckere, Karel
Panel discussion - ‘Shifting mindsets: The importance of systems thinking and the role of academia’ (opens in a new window)Deneckere, Karel; Henssen, Bart
Masterclass Sustainable Business Transformation (opens in a new window)Brabant, karen; Henssen, Bart
Ik verkoop mijn bedrijf. Wat nu? (opens in a new window)Intersentia; Antwerpen - CambridgeISBN: 9789400007390
Groeikracht in familiebedrijven. Hoe een draagvlak voor verandering creëren bij werknemers (opens in a new window)Intersentia; Antwerpen - CambridgeISBN: 9789400007116
De bachelorproef: 40 vragen en antwoorden (opens in a new window)Intersentia; Antwerpen / CambridgeISBN: 9789400008335
Fostering a culture that supports innovation and leadership in facilitating change (opens in a new window)Innovation for managers in healthcare, Location: Aalst
Creëer een missie en visie met je team (opens in a new window)VLHORA Input/Output sessions, Location: online
Van mij, van ons, of van iemand anders? Overdracht naar de volgende generatie (opens in a new window)VOKA Bedrijvennetwerkdagen Antwerpen-Waasland, Date: 2023/09/20 - 2023/09/21, Location: Antwerpen
Linking Sustainability Policy to Future Finance and Accounting (opens in a new window)Accounting and Finance for Business 2024: Towards Sustainability, Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
Draagvlak creëren: wat, waarom en hoe? (opens in a new window)Koers naar talent in overvloed. Inclusief HRM als kompas.; 2021; pp. 99 - 107Moens, Bart; Roskam, Pascal; Van den Bosch, Veerledie Keure; BruggeISBN: 9789048641581
"Tough Love". Characterizing Paternalistic Leadership: The Case of Family Firms (opens in a new window)Love and Organization: Lessons of Love for Human Dignity, Leadership and Motivation; 2022RoutledgeISBN: 9781003254034DOI: 10.4324/9781003254034-13
Fairness bij de verderzetting van het familiebedrijf (opens in a new window)Broer of zus, de match van je leven; 2021; pp. 215 - 226Emmery, Kathleen; Loosveldt, GianniGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3814-6
Driving the Systemic Transformation of Higher Education Institutions Towards Sustainability: The Case of Education for Sustainability Hub (opens in a new window)Sustainability in Higher Education. Strategies, Performance and Future Challenges; 2024; pp. 73 - 93Rotondo, Federico; Giovanelli, Lucia; Lozano, RodrigoSpringer Cham; ChamISSN: 2212-5450DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-54026-4
University Research Centers as Catalyzers in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fostering the Transitions towards Sustainable Business Models via the University-Business Interface (opens in a new window)The Role of Universities and Their Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Advocating Sustainability; 2022; pp. 199 - 213de GruyterISBN: 9783110670165DOI: 10.1515/9783110670219-011
Exploring the Social Dimension of Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness: A Case Study among Family Business Entrepreneurs (opens in a new window)Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2013 ; 2013; pp. 835 - 8358th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Date: 2013/09/19 - 2013/09/20, Location: Brussels, Belgium
The determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms. A multilevel configurational approach (opens in a new window)Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world; 2021European Academy of Management 2021 conference, Date: 2021/06/16 - 2021/06/18, Location: online
Agency and psychological ownership in family firms: Governance and performance issues (opens in a new window)Proceedings EURAM '10 Conference ; 2010; Vol. 10EURAM Annual conference 2010, Date: 2010/01/01 - 2010/01/01
The CEO autonomy - stewardship behavior relationship in family firms: The mediating role of psychological ownership (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 13th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference; 2013European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Date: 2013/06/26 - 2013/06/29, Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Testing willingness and ability as distinguishing factors between family and non-family firms: Contextualizing the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and business performance (opens in a new window)European conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship; 2016; Vol. 11; pp. 1020 - 102311th European conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Date: 2016/09/15 - 2016/09/16, Location: Finland
Family Firms’ Goal Priorities and Their Impact on Innovation Propensity (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship; 2020; pp. 155 - 16215th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Location: Virtual (Rome)
CEO Resilience in Family Firms in Times of Crisis (opens in a new window)Family Business Review; 2025
Psychological Ownership in Heterogeneous Family Firms: A Promising Path and a Call for Further Investigation (opens in a new window)Entrepreneurship Research Journal; 2022; Vol. 13; iss. 3; pp. 631 - 664
CEOs’ Joy of Working for the Family Firm: The Role of Psychological Ownership and Stewardship Behavior (opens in a new window)Entrepreneurship Research Journal; 2021; Vol. 11; iss. 3; pp. 1 - 28
The CEO autonomy–stewardship behavior relationship in family firms: The mediating role of psychological ownership (opens in a new window)Journal of Family Business Strategy ; 2014; Vol. 5; iss. 3; pp. 312 - 322
'Waarden moeten leven'. De rol en overdracht van waarden in langlevende familiebedrijven (opens in a new window)Tijd-Schrift. Heemkunde en lokaal-erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen; 2020; Vol. 10; iss. 3; pp. 7 - 23
De COVID-19-crisis en ongelijkheid op de arbeidsmarkt: naar een ‘nieuw normaal’ met meer of minder ongelijkheden? (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken; 2021; Vol. 37.1; pp. 23 - 34
Hoe psychologisch eigenaarschap stimuleren? Maak medewerkers psychologisch eigenaar van de verandering (opens in a new window)HR Square; 2016; iss. 163; pp. 35 - 41
Does Increased Generational Involvement Foster Business Growth? The Moderating Roles of Family Involvement in Ownership and Management (opens in a new window)European Management Review; 2019; Vol. 17; iss. 3; pp. 785 - 801
De doorbraak van duurzaam HRM (opens in a new window)HR Square; 2019; iss. 192
Limits to psychological ownership in the family business (opens in a new window)Journal of Family Business Management; 2018; Vol. 8; iss. 2; pp. 196 - 216
'Mine' or 'ours'? Perspectives on psychological ownership in family firms (opens in a new window)Voordeckers, Wim; Koiranen, Matti; Lambrechts, Frank