European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC).
Each year, the European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC) contributes to the challenge of upskilling and retraining 5% of the workforce and entrepreneurs in the sector to address the green and digital transitions in the social economy by enhancing social innovation capacities.
ESIC brings together higher education and vocational education, social economy organizations and enterprises from different European countries, as well as actors at the European level. Building on research findings regarding the skill needs of occupational profiles, ESIC stimulates the supply of new skills and addresses the skills mismatch by creating a new general core curriculum for the social economy.
ESIC develops transnational education and training content, and co-produces education and training methodologies for rapid content adoption at regional and local levels and for emerging occupational profiles. Moreover, the project will create a strong communication and dissemination network, promoting the social economy sector as a career choice and supporting the development of initiative and entrepreneurship in the EU.