
Systemic Transformation for Sustainability

Thinking in systems is a necessary skill to deal with the complex challenges of the 21st century. Research Center CenSE (Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship) invites you to the two-day Symposium Systemic Transformation for Sustainability. Get to know the thinking framework, consider its relevance and practical application.

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  • March 21, 2023 - The Academic Day is dedicated to systems thinking within academic sustainability research.
  • March 22, 2023 - The Practitioners' day focuses on translating systems thinking into practical sustainability solutions. A number of best practices will be discussed.

You can consult the full program here.

  • When?

    March 21 and March 22, 2023

  • Where?

    Odisee college, Campus Brussels center, Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels (Hermes building, Local 2212)

  • Cost?

    €50 for one day
    € 75 for both days

Also meet our microcredential

Want to know more about systemic transformation? From April 20, 2023, the Microcredential Systemic Transform ation will start. For this short-term, diploma-focused course, CenSE and ILVO (Flemish Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research) are joining forces to offer professionals and interested parties further depth.

  • Organization

    The microcredential is divided into four modules and follows a blended learning design: a good mix of live and online contact moments at Odisee Technology Campus Ghent. The lecturers also provide online support on a regular basis.

  • When?

    The microcredential runs over about ten weeks from April to June 2023.

    The live contact moments occur every two or three weeks and are always scheduled on Thursday evenings from 4pm-7pm, with a first meeting on April 20, 2023.
    Online support falls on Tuesday or Thursday evenings (and once on Wednesday evening, due to Ascension Day).

    The final evaluation will take place on Tuesday evening, June 27, 2023.

  • Study Fee

    The tuition fee for this microcredential is €1,499 (no VAT). Use of SME portfolio is possible.

  • Certificate

    Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate of this microcredential (stating the study load of 50 hours - this equals 2 ECTS), issued by Odisee Advanced Education.

    ATTENTION: you will not receive a credit certificate for this microcredential but a certificate.


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