From practice-oriented training to employable IT experts
This project examines what digital competencies are required for the future workforce, for leading players in IT and for colleges.
In the preparatory research phase (January-May 2018) of this ESF project, we want to explore the possible solutions for the substantial lack of qualified IT profiles given that many IT jobs have become structural shortage occupations.
The project's objective is to increase the degree of innovation in ICT trainings and to enhance the employment rate in the ICT sector through innovative and applied (in the form of dual and digital) learning programs. These trainings will differ from the already existing offer due to their innovative factor and the flexibility to respond quickly to the needs and innovations of the IT market. The integration and full-fledged development of dual learning in these programs seems crucial. How this can be done exactly and with which relevant national and international stakeholders will be further explored during the preparatory phase of this project.
The exact needs and opportunities of the foreseen potential target groups will be identified in consultation with partners in Belgium and abroad.
Expected output
We want to combine the expertise and experiences of partners on a national and international level with the aim to:
- Develop innovative ICT trainings with a substantial component of dual learning.
- Increase the number of well-trained employable IT graduates who can get hired immediately for bottleneck jobs.
- Establish new partnerships between ICT learning companies, training centers and schools.

Our partners
- Partner: Syntra West.
- This project is financed with ESF funds.