Who is who
Hilde Vervaecke
Main workplace
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Contact details
- hilde.vervaecke@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid onderwijsteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Dieren manipuleren kan je leren (opens in a new window)Boer en Tuinder; 2018; pp. 42 - 42
Zijn dierentuinen een zegen of een vloek ? (opens in a new window)Kerk en Leven; 2018; Vol. 2018; pp. 6 - 6
Een neus voor de natuur Over de mogelijkheden van speurhonden in het natuurbehoud (opens in a new window)Natuur.Focus ; 2016; Vol. 15; iss. 4; pp. 166 - 170
Noses for Nature. De inzet van zoekhonden voor natuurbehoud in Vlaanderen (opens in a new window)Natuur.focus; 2024; iss. Maart; pp. 22 - 28
Kunnen dieren huilen van verdriet? (opens in a new window)Eos Magazine; 2024; Vol. 2024; iss. feb
Do animals cry when they're sad? (opens in a new window)Scientific American; 2024; Vol. 1 march, 2024
Leuker leren door interactie (opens in a new window)Eos Magazine ; 2012; Vol. 2012; pp. 76 - 78
Kunnen we dierenwelzijn meten? (opens in a new window)Eos Magazine; 2023
Een neus voor verborgen natuur (opens in a new window)De Standaard; 2021; pp. 12 - 13
Natuurspeurhonden (opens in a new window)Knack Magazine; 2023; Vol. 4; iss. 25 tot 31 januari; pp. 70 - 72
Apen krijgen recht op privacy (opens in a new window)Het Nieuwsblad; 2019; pp. 2 - 2
Naar de zoo, of liever niet? (opens in a new window)Plus Magazine; 2019; Vol. 361; pp. 20 - 23
Exploring Sniffing Durations: A Comparative Analysis of Detection Dogs and Scoring Types (opens in a new window)Behaviour, Date: 2023/08/14 - 2023/08/19, Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Inventory of stereotypical behaviour of cats in four Belgian zoos (opens in a new window)20th BIAZA (British Association for Zoos and Aquaria) Anniversary Research Conference, Date: 2018/07/09 - 2018/07/11, Location: Living Coasts, Paignton Zoo and South Devon College
Pan continuity: bonobo-chimpanzee hybrids (opens in a new window)Primate Society of Great Britain Spring Meeting, Location: Saint-Andrews
A descriptive study of Bengal cat behaviour in Belgium and The Netherlands (opens in a new window)Annual meeting of the European Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare (ECBMAW) wi, Date: 2018/09/27 - 2018/09/29, Location: Berlin
Attitudes about apes: visitor perceptions and knowledge (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2009/07/12 - 2009/07/14, Location: Blackpool
Visitors in the dark: perceptions and behaviour of visitors at Antwerp Zoo nocturnal house (opens in a new window)12th Annual BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2010/07/07 - 2010/07/08, Location: Chester Zoo, Chester, UK.
Pilot study on the occurrence of pressure marks on the body and of mouth laesions in riding horses in Flanders (opens in a new window)7th International Equitation Science, Date: 2011/10/26 - 2011/10/29, Location: Eindhoven, The Netherllands
Risk-factors for stereotypic behaviour in horses in Western and English stables in Belgium (opens in a new window)International Society for Applied Ethology, Date: 2010/08/03 - 2010/08/07, Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Efficacy of female mate choice in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)Göttinger Freilandtage Göttingen, Date: 2007/12/11 - 2007/12/14, Location: Göttingen, Germany
Male mating success in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus): influence of dominance rank and female mate choice (opens in a new window)Benelux Congress of Zoology, Date: 2007/11/01 - 2007/11/02, Location: Amsterdam
Behavioural observations of a captive wolf group (Canis lupus): effect of safari train and observer on activity and use of space (opens in a new window)BIAZA Congress, Date: 2007/07/23 - 2007/07/24, Location: Whipsnade U.K.
Behavioural observation of a captive chimpansee group (Pan troglodytes): number of cages and visitor effect (opens in a new window)British Association of Zoos and AquariaA Congress, Date: 2007/07/23 - 2007/07/24, Location: Whipsnade U.K.
Proximate mechanisms of control of locomotion in horses: corrective input in central pattern generators (opens in a new window)International Society of Applied Ethology Congress, Date: 2016/07/12 - 2016/07/16, Location: Edinburgh, UK
Can dogs have a burn-out? How to measure stress in working dogs. (opens in a new window)The power of Scents, Animal Welfare Symposia APOPO, Date: 2022/06/22 - 2022/06/23, Location: Tanzania
Attitudes of zoo-workers towards minimal norms for mammals in Flanders and suggestions for improvements (opens in a new window)22nd BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2022/07/04 - 2022/07/06, Location: London Zoo, London UK
Effect of enrichment-devices on the behaviours of sea-turtles in captivity (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium (British Association of Zoos and Aquaria), Date: 2011/07/06 - 2011/07/07
Using a scatterfeeder to reduce stereotypic pacing in two spotted hyenas (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2012/07/01 - 2012/07/01, Location: Newquay, UK
Is Skippy Shy? A study on visitor effects on kangaroo visibility and enclosure use (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2012/01/01 - 2012/01/01, Location: Newquay,UK.
The effect of water deprivation on the behavior of broiler chickens (opens in a new window)The 8th International Symposium. Prospects for the 3rd millenium Agriculture., Date: 2009/10/07 - 2009/10/10
A tale of gorillas and monkeys: cohabitation of gorillas (Gorilla sp.) and hamlyns’ monkeys (Cercopithecus hamlyni) at Antwerp Zoo (opens in a new window)International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Date: 2009/01/31 - 2009/01/06, Location: Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Devon, UK.
What visitor studies in zoos can tell us (opens in a new window)2nd CRC Zoo Research Symposium, Date: 2008/12/05 - 2008/12/05, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Evaluation of sampling intervals to score behavioural states (opens in a new window)Benelux Congress of Zoology., Date: 2014/12/12 - 2014/12/13, Location: Liège
Bizon'dere runderen: stress vanuit een nieuw perspectief (opens in a new window)Confocus: opleiding voor dierenartsen met opdracht, Date: 2015/01/13 - 2015/01/10, Location: Hasselt
L'abattage des bisons par unité mobile (opens in a new window)Assemblee Generale des Eleveurs de Bisons de France, Date: 2018/03/08 - 2018/03/09, Location: Meaudres, France
Inventory of stereotypical behaviour of cats in four Belgian zoos (opens in a new window)Zoo Research Symposium of the Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp
Minimum standards of mammals in zoos and welfare (opens in a new window)Intervisiedag Dierentuinen, inspiratie voor welzijn, Date: 2019/10/23 - 2019/10/23, Location: Odisee, Campus Sint-Niklaas, Sint-Niklaas
Use of biological criteria to develop minimal standards for mammals in zoos in Flanders (opens in a new window)EAZA Animal Welfare Forum 2020, Location: Online
Sniffing for nature: detection dog training in real life environment (opens in a new window)4th Natura 2000 Monitoring Workshop, Date: 2019/04/09 - 2019/04/11, Location: Donana, Spain
Developing a Qualitative Behavioural Assessment for bonobos: a novel approach to overcome methodological and practical issues (opens in a new window)22nd Biaza Research Symposium, Date: 2022/07/04 - 2022/07/06, Location: London Zoo, London, UK
Noses for nature: supply and demand for ecological detection dogs in Flanders (opens in a new window)Benelux Zoology Congress, Date: 2024/12/12 - 2024/12/13, Location: Mons
Horse Sense: Exploring Sniffing Patterns and Lateralization in Response to Predator and Neutral Scents (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the ISAE Benelux conference 2024, Date: 2024/12/05 - 2024/12/05, Location: Meerhout, Belgium
Exploration of an odour carrier: effect of impregnation time and odour type on sniff duration and detection ability (opens in a new window)Herkunft, Hormone, Handlungen: Einsatzhunde unter der Lupe Vierte Arbeitstagung des WDD e.V., Date: 2024/10/11 - 2024/10/13, Location: Kleinlüder
Assessing Zoo Inspections in Belgium: Incorporating Animal-Based Indicators for Enhanced Welfare Standards (opens in a new window)25th BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/09/05, Location: Dudley Zoo, UK
Detection of Lampyris noctiluca larvae (opens in a new window)Noses for Nature Conference on Ecological Detection Dogs, Date: 2022/11/19 - 2022/11/19, Location: Odisee University of Applied Sciences, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Survey on animal welfare and lockdown measures in Flemish zoo’s (opens in a new window)BIAZA (British Association for Zoos and Aquaria) Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13 - 2021/07/14, Location: online
Ecological detection dogs for wolf scat (canis lupus lupus) (opens in a new window)19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development, Date: 2020/09/24 - 2020/09/25, Location: Cluj, Napoca, Romania
Wildlife detection dogs in Flanders (opens in a new window)Wildlife Detection Dogs e.V. Arbeitstagung, Date: 2022/07/15 - 2022/07/17, Location: Mosbach, Germany
Through a dog’s nose : can sniffer dogs become a new tool for glow-worm surveying ? (opens in a new window)International Firefly Symposium, Date: 2022/07/15 - 2022/07/18, Location: Vila Novo de Gaia, Portugal
Wildlife detection dog Odisee projects (opens in a new window)Noses for Nature Conference on Ecological Detection dogs, Date: 2022/11/19 - 2022/11/19, Location: Odisee University of Applied Sciences, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Normes minimales et bien-être animale dans les zoos (opens in a new window)Commission Wallonne des Zoos, Groupe de Travail Normes Minimale, Date: 2021/02/22 - 2021/02/22, Location: online
La petite presse biologique des bisons (opens in a new window)Assemblée Générale des Eleveurs de Bisons de France, Date: 2020/03/12 - 2020/03/12, Location: Villenois-la-ville, Haute-Saône, France
Designing minimal standards for mammals in zoos in Flanders: compromises between scientific and practice-based input (opens in a new window)21st BIAZA Annual Research Conference, Date: 2019/07/09 - 2019/07/10, Location: Welsh Mountain Zoo
Mobile slaughter units to improve animal welfare and strengthen short food supply chains (opens in a new window)Organic World Congres 2020, Date: 2020/09/21 - 2020/09/27, Location: Rennes
A study of “abnormal” behaviour in zoo housed bonobos (opens in a new window)Annual BIAZA Conference, Date: 2013/07/17 - 2013/07/19, Location: Paignton, UK
Looking for optimal intervals to sample time budgets and habitat use in grazers (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2014/07/01 - 2014/07/02, Location: Blair-Drummond, UK
Visitor study in a public aquarium (opens in a new window)12th Annual BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2010/07/07 - 2010/07/08, Location: Chester Zoo, Chester, UK.
Effect of enrichment and cage size on growth in young rehabilitated hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) (opens in a new window)19th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Date: 2012/10/19 - 2012/10/20, Location: Brussels, Belgium
Visitor effects on vigilance behaviour and visibility of captive harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) (opens in a new window)WAFL-Congress, Welfare of animals at farm Level, Date: 2008/09/01 - 2008/09/01, Location: Ghent
The effect of behavioural enrichment on the behaviour of a school of Archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix) (opens in a new window)WAFL-Congress (Welfare of Animals at Farm Level) Ghent, Date: 2008/09/01 - 2008/09/01
Targeting enrichment in fish: feeding crickets to archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix) (opens in a new window)International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Date: 2009/01/31 - 2009/01/06, Location: Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Devon,Torquay, UK
Olfactory enrichment in spotted hyenas (opens in a new window)International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Devon, Date: 2008/01/31 - 2008/01/06, Location: Torquay, UK
Bien-être, manipulations et abattages des bisons Américains en élevage (opens in a new window)Assemblée Générale de l' Association de Bison de France, Date: 2015/03/05 - 2015/03/06, Location: Rocles
Behavioural indicators of stress in search dogs during training (opens in a new window)European Society for Veterinary Clinical Ethology Annual Congress, Date: 2006/09/22 - 2006/09/22, Location: Ghent Belgium
Quantification of behavioural reactions to water therapy in dogs (opens in a new window)European Society for Veterinary Clinical Ethology Annual Congress,, Date: 2006/09/22 - 2006/09/22, Location: Ghent Belgium
Basic behavioural patterns and welfare in belgian blue beef: diurnal and stall-meadow variation (opens in a new window)Congres ISAE International Society for Applied Ethology, Date: 2006/08/08 - 2006/08/12, Location: Bristol (UK)
South-American Camelidae (alpacas, guanacos and vicunas): basic activity budgets (opens in a new window)BIAZA Congress, Date: 2007/07/23 - 2007/07/24, Location: Whipsnade U.K.
What are you looking at ? Peering in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)Congres British Association of Zoos and Aquaria posium, Date: 2006/07/24 - 2006/07/25, Location: Colchester Zoo (UK)
Manipulation and slaughter of American bison (Bison bison) in European farms (opens in a new window)International conference on the Assessment of Welfare of Animals in Group and Farm level, Date: 2017/09/05 - 2017/09/08, Location: The Reehorst Ede, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Dominance effects on grazing patterns in horses in nature reserves (opens in a new window)7th International conference on the Assessment of Welfare of Animals in Group and Farm level, Date: 2017/09/05 - 2017/09/08, Location: The Reehorst Ede, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Do as I say, say as I do? A study of visitors in Antwerp Zoo (opens in a new window)Annual Symposium on Zoo Research,, Location: Bristol, UK
Bonobo by bonobo: Qualitative Behavioural Assessment of bonobo emotional expressivity (opens in a new window)EAZA Animal Welfare Forum, Date: 2024/03/19 - 2024/03/22, Location: Verona Italy
Breeders’ opinions about mobile-slaughter of cattle in Flanders (opens in a new window)UFAW International Symposium 2019, Date: 2019/07/03 - 2019/07/04, Location: Oud Sint Jan, Bruges, Belgium
Mouth lesions in riding horses: associated bridle characteristics and management factors (opens in a new window)International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Date: 2014/09/03 - 2014/09/05, Location: Clermont-Ferrand, France
A survey of the management practices and knowledge of natural needs of horses in Flanders (opens in a new window)International Equitation Science, Date: 2011/10/26 - 2011/10/29, Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Education in zoos: perceptions of Belgian zoo visitors (opens in a new window)Annual BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2008/07/15 - 2008/07/16, Location: The Deep, UK
Behavioral research at the Ferme des Bisons in the Belgian Ardennes: where science meets industry (opens in a new window)International Bison Conference, Date: 2012/07/25 - 2012/07/27, Location: Quebec Canada
Individual and rank differences in grazing behaviour of shetland ponies (Equus caballus) in a coastal dune reserve (opens in a new window)Benelux Congress of Zoology, Date: 2008/10/30 - 2008/10/31, Location: Universite de Liège, Belgium .
Giraffes on the move: studies in stereotypical behaviour in a herd of Kordofan giraffes at Planckendael Wild Animal Park (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2009/07/12 - 2009/07/14, Location: Blackpool, UK
Behavioural observation of a captive cheetah group (Acinonyx jubatus): food and visitor effect (opens in a new window)British Association of Zoos and Aquaria Congress, Date: 2007/07/23 - 2007/07/24, Location: Whipsnade U.K.
Dominance styles in Cavia porcellus (opens in a new window)Benelux Zoology Conference, Date: 2006/10/27 - 2006/10/28, Location: Louvain, Belgium
Dominance and activity budgets in captive Cape buffaloes (opens in a new window)Congres BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2006/07/24 - 2006/07/25, Location: Colchester Zoo (UK)
Bizon'dere runderen: stress vanuit een nieuw perspectief (opens in a new window)Confocus, opleiding voor Dierenartsen met opdracht, Date: 2015/01/25 - 2015/01/11, Location: Gent
Are zoos open to the open-door policy? (opens in a new window)17th Zoo Research Symposium, Date: 2024/11/28 - 2024/11/28, Location: Antwerp
Assessing Welfare Standards in Zoo-housed Populations of Bonobos: A Comparative Study of Housing, Nutrition, Veterinary Care, and Behavior in European and North American Zoos (opens in a new window)IPS-MPS Joint Meeting 2023, Date: 2023/08/20 - 2023/08/24, Location: Kuching, Malaysia
Domains of welfare in zoo-housed bonobos (opens in a new window)25th Annual BIAZA Research Conference, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/05, Location: Dudley Zoo (UK)
Relation between dairy goat welfare, management practices and productivity in organic farms (opens in a new window)Annual meeting VEE 2018, Location: Brussels
Drop that fish!”: visitor study in the aquarium of Antwerp Zoo (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium (British Association of Zoos and Aquaria), Date: 2011/07/06 - 2011/07/07, Location: Bristol, UK.
Applied ethology and its relevance to zoo animal husbandry (opens in a new window)Zoo Research Symposium of the Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Welfare assessment design for great apes and nutrition: a challenge (opens in a new window)European Federation for Primatology meeting, Date: 2022/06/01 - 2022/06/03, Location: Burgers' Zoo Arnhem, the Netherlands
THE MESSAGE OF APE CONSERVATION IN EUROPE: POSSIBLE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES? (opens in a new window)-, Date: 2011/09/16 - 2011/09/19, Location: TX, Austin
Effect of Psoroptes infestation on the behaviour of Belgian White Blue Beef (opens in a new window)Benelux Congress of Zoology, Date: 2006/10/27 - 2006/10/28, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Guidelines for dog visits in hospital settings focusing on dog welfare (opens in a new window)ISAE Benelux conference 2016, Date: 2016/10/13 - 2016/10/13, Location: Berlicum (Nederland)
Monitoring the welfare of giraffes in two Belgian zoos (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13 - 2021/07/14, Location: online
People believe that naturalistic enclosures make animals happier (opens in a new window)20th BIAZA (British Association for Zoos and Aquaria) Anniversary Research Conference, Date: 2018/07/09 - 2018/07/11, Location: Living Coasts, Paignton Zoo and South Devon College
Photoperiod affects light/dark preference and exploratory behaviour in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) (opens in a new window)International Association of Astacology, Date: 2016/09/05 - 2016/09/08, Location: Madrid, Spain
From theory to therapy room: a dog’s point of view (opens in a new window)ISAE Benelux conference 2017, Date: 2017/10/12 - 2017/10/12, Location: Hoogeloon (The Netherlands)
Domains of welfare in zoo-housed bonobos (opens in a new window)25th BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/09/05, Location: Dudley Zoo, UK
24/7 behaviour and welfare of giraffes (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13 - 2021/07/14, Location: Online
Using a large touch screen to educate visitors (opens in a new window)CRC Zoo Research Symposium, Date: 2013/10/29 - 2013/10/29, Location: Antwerp
People believe that naturalistic enclosures make animals happier (opens in a new window)Zoo Research Symposium of the Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp
Behaviour of horses during hoof trimming: do they behave more calmly with adhesive tape on the nose? (opens in a new window)Regional Conference of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Date: 2017/10/12 - 2017/10/12, Location: Hoogeloon, The Netherlands
Nociception and pain perception in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) using the novel object paradigm (opens in a new window)International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Date: 2014/09/03 - 2014/09/05, Location: Clermont-Ferrand, France
Effects of Olfactory Stimulation with Essential Oils in Animals: a Review (opens in a new window)11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, Date: 2017/09/14 - 2017/09/16, Location: Samorin (Slovakia)
Calculation of an appropriate sample interval for scan sampling in dairy goat welfare research (opens in a new window)ISAE, Date: 2014/10/08 - 2014/10/08, Location: Netherlands
Working together to assess the welfare of captive reptiles and amphibians (opens in a new window)16th Annual BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2014/07/01 - 2014/07/02, Location: Blair drummond safari Park, Stirling, Scotland
Grouping and ingestive behaviour of Merino-sheep at high altitude (opens in a new window)International Society of Applied Ethology, Regional Conference, Date: 2014/10/08 - 2014/10/08, Location: Eersel, The Netherlands
On crowded days the King, Macaroni & Gentoo penguins stand and deliver (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2014/07/01 - 2014/07/02, Location: Blair-Drummond, UK
Stuff zoo visitors know about great apes: pinpointing the gaps (opens in a new window)Minding Animals Conference, Location: Utrecht, NL
Assessing the welfare of captive reptiles: A glimp into the diversity of stress-related behaviours (opens in a new window)17th Annual BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2015/07/07 - 2015/07/08, Location: Dublin, Ireland
Welfare of dogs housed on concrete versus mesh floor with plastic coating in a commercial breeding facility (opens in a new window)ISAE Benelux conference, Date: 2016/10/13 - 2016/10/13, Location: Berlicum, The Netherlands
The animal welfare concept among students of animal-oriented studies in Flanders (opens in a new window)UFAW International Symposium 2019, Date: 2019/07/03 - 2019/09/04, Location: Oud-Sint-Jan Bruges, Belgium
Stress during manipulation of cattle on farms (opens in a new window)Regional Conference of the International Society of Animal Behaviour, Date: 2018/10/10 - 2018/10/10, Location: Poeil, Geel, Belgium
The happiness of chimpanzees: great apes and modern welfare science (opens in a new window)European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Date: 2022/06/01 - 2022/06/03, Location: Burgers' Zoo, Arnhem, the Netherlands
Can observed horse behaviours predict rideability scores in Belgian Warmblood Stallions? (opens in a new window)International Society for Applied Ethology, Date: 2010/08/03 - 2010/08/07, Location: Uppsala, Sweden
La consanguinité chez les bisons Americains: enquête chez les éleveurs. (opens in a new window)Assemblee Generale des Eleveurs des Bisons, Date: 2022/03/09 - 2022/03/10, Location: Recogne, Bastogne, Belgium
Cat Control Plan Belgium: reaction of some shelters and public respondents (opens in a new window)Mindsing Animals, Date: 2012/07/04 - 2012/07/06, Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
La consanguinité chez les bisons Americains: essai méthodologique. (opens in a new window)Assemblée Génerale des Eleveurs de Bisons, Date: 2022/03/09 - 2022/03/10, Location: Recogne, Bastogne, Belgium
American Bison (Bison bison) in farms: a survey of slaughter practices (opens in a new window)Prospects for the 3rd millennium agriculture, Date: 2015/09/24 - 2015/09/26, Location: Cluj-Napoca
Public opinions on the reentry of the wolf in Belgium (opens in a new window)Zoology, Date: 2019/11/27 - 2019/11/29, Location: Groningen
Attitudes towards the return of the wolf (canis lupus lupus) in Belgium (opens in a new window)19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development, Date: 2020/09/24 - 2020/09/25, Location: Online conference, Cluj, Napoca, Romania
Growth and behaviour in relation to skin lesion surface due to Psoroptes and Trychophyton in Belgian Blue Cattle (opens in a new window)The 8th International Symposium. Prospects for the 3rd millenium Agriculture., Date: 2009/10/07 - 2009/10/10
The Belgian Blue Beef: behavioural welfare issues relating to Caesarian section and Psoroptes infestation (opens in a new window)Carrefour des Productions Animales. Centre Wallon de Recherche Agronomique, Date: 2007/01/24 - 2007/01/01
Behavioural indicators of pain in Belgian White-Blue cattle: base-line observations (opens in a new window)Congres ISAE International Society for Applied Ethology, Date: 2006/08/08 - 2006/08/12, Location: Bristol (UK)
Effect of a stressor on eye-temperature in horses (Equus caballus) (opens in a new window)International Society of Applied Ethology Benelux Meeting 2020 Elevating Animal lives, Date: 2020/11/03 - 2020/11/03, Location: Online Meeting
Visitors’ effect on the behaviour of three great apes species in Antwerp Zoo, Belgium (opens in a new window)European Federation of Primatology Meeting, Date: 2013/09/10 - 2013/09/13, Location: Antwerp
Assessing the effect of different light conditions on crayfish welfare using a dark-light preference maze (opens in a new window)BIAZA, Date: 2015/07/07 - 2015/07/08, Location: Dublin, Ireland
Assessment of pain perception in double muscled Belgian Blue cows following delivery per vaginam versus caesarean section (opens in a new window)Welfare of Animals at Farm Level, Date: 2008/09/10 - 2008/09/12, Location: Ghent
A pilot study about the role, knowledge and attitude of caregivers towards AAI in medical settings (opens in a new window)CARE4 – International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Congress 2017, Date: 2017/02/08 - 2017/02/10, Location: Antwerp (Belgium)
A low cost set-up to measure underwater spectral irradiance in aquaria (opens in a new window)BIAZA Annual Research Conference, Date: 2016/06/28 - 2016/06/29, Location: Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster
The influence of the steepness of dominance hierarchies on reciprocity and interchange in captive groups of bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)Behaviour ; 2005; Vol. 142; iss. 7; pp. 941 - 960
Endocrine and behavioral observations during transition of non-breeding into breeding season in female American bison (Bison bison) (opens in a new window)Theriogenology ; 2006; Vol. 66; iss. 5; pp. 1107 - 1114
Dominance, age and weight in American bison males (Bison bison) during non-rut in semi-natural conditions (opens in a new window)Applied Animal Behaviour Science ; 2005; Vol. 92; iss. 1; pp. 169 - 177
Sex differences in the steepness of dominance hierarchies in captive bonobo groups (opens in a new window)International Journal of Primatology ; 2007; Vol. 28; iss. 6; pp. 1417 - 1430
Social structures in Pan paniscus: testing the female bonding hypothesis (opens in a new window)Primates ; 2006; Vol. 47; iss. 3; pp. 210 - 217
Inter-menstrual intervals in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)Primates ; 1999; Vol. 40; iss. 2; pp. 283 - 289
An experimental evaluation of the consistency of competitive ability and agonistic dominance in different social contexts in captive bonobos (opens in a new window)Behaviour ; 1999; Vol. 136; iss. 4; pp. 423 - 442
Application of urinary and fecal steroid measurements for monitoring ovarian function and pregnancy in the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and evaluation of perineal swelling patterns in relation to endocrine events (opens in a new window)Biology of Reproduction ; 1996; Vol. 55; iss. 4; pp. 844 - 853
The influence of zoo visitor numbers on the behaviour of Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) (opens in a new window)Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research; 2013; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 31 - 34
A review of terminology on aggregation patterns in bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)International Journal of Primatology; 1995; Vol. 16; iss. 2; pp. 37 - 52
Dominance and its behavioral measures in a captive group of bonobos (Pan paniscus) (opens in a new window)International Journal of Primatology ; 2000; Vol. 21; iss. 1; pp. 47 - 68
Dominance, fatness and fitness in female American bison, Bison bison (opens in a new window)Animal Behaviour ; 2005; Vol. 70; iss. 4; pp. 763 - 770
Paternally inherited markers in bovine hybrid populations (opens in a new window)Heredity ; 2003; Vol. 91; iss. 6; pp. 565 - 569
Aggression and dominance in matched groups of subadult Icelandic horses (Equus caballus) (opens in a new window)Journal of Ethology ; 2007; Vol. 25; iss. 3; pp. 239 - 248
Isolation of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins from placenta of the American bison (Bison bison) at first half of pregnancy (opens in a new window)General and Comparative Endocrinology ; 2008; Vol. 155; iss. 1; pp. 164 - 175
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