A smooth start

As a (new) student, there are a number of things you need to get done to start your studies smoothly.

Click on the steps below for more info.

Get to know your digital tools

As a student at Odisee, you make use of various digital tools on a daily basis. You can easily access your personal dashboard on the student platform, the digital learning environment (Toledo), your personal timetable, your Odisee mailbox, Microsoft 365 and so much more... 

There are also tools you will use less frequently such as the applications for the registration of your individual study programme (ISP), for ordering your study materials ...

To show you how to use these different digital tools, we have created the online course

'Getting started as a student with the educational technology of Odisee'. This way, you are completely digitally up-to-date.


Go to the online course (in Dutch)

Activate your accounts

Every new Odisee student has to activate two accounts, one Odisee account and one KU Leuven Association account.

You will receive two emails in your personal mailbox after processing your online registration.

If you have not received one or both mails (check your SPAM-folder first), please contact the Information Management service.


Activate your accounts

Getting support

Every student at Odisee automatically receives inclusive facilities. For instance, everyone gets extra time during written exams, and all course materials are available digitally. This way, we ensure that everyone has the best possible chance of success in their studies. 

Inclusive facilities


Do you need additional support beyond the inclusive facilities? Check if you are eligible for a status that allows you to benefit from extra accommodations. 

Apply for your status in good time, and make sure to do so before the start of the academic year. Starting in February? Then make sure to apply before the start of the second semester. This will allow you to quickly benefit from your additional accommodations and get a smooth start at Odisee. 

Check here which statutes are recognized at our university college


Check the start of your programme

Welcome days and refresher courses

At the start of the academic year, each programme organizes one or more welcome days for new students. You are expected to participate.

If you want to brush up your knowledge of French, chemistry, mathematics or another subject, you can, depending on your programme, take part in a refresher course in the week before the start of the academic year.

Check the welcome days and refresher courses for your programme


Start of classes

Officially, the first semester starts on 23/09/2024 and the second semester on 10/02/2025, but this is not the case for all programmes.

Discover the academic calendar for your programme here

Apply for your exemptions

You should preferably register your exemptions at the start of your studies and when composing your ISP at the start of the academic year. If you think you have exemptions from previous studies in higher education or from work experience, discuss this with your programme's learning path coach.

Deadlines to apply for exemptions

Academic year 2024-2025Opening
exemption application
exemption application
1st semester25.08.202415.10.202430.11.2024
2nd semester08.02.202525.02.202515.03.2025


Take a look at the procedure for applying for exemptions

Submit your Individual Study Program (ISP)

Once your accounts are activated, you can compose your individual study program (ISP). This means that you have to select all the course units that you want to take during the academic year. If you have exemptions, you also need to register them.

Only after you have entered your individual study programme (ISP), you can consult your personal course schedule and you will get access to the additional study material on the digital learning environment.

Deadlines to submit ISP

Submit your individual study programme at the latest by October 15 ! If you miss this date, you will quickly run into problems with your child allowance, study grant, exam planning, etc. 
If you register after October 15, your ISP must be submitted within a week.

Academic year 2024-2025Opening ISPClosing ISPApproval ISP
1st semester10.09.202415.10.202430.11.2024
2nd semester08.02.202525.02.202515.03.2025

Register your ISP


View the step-by-step plan with instructional videos

Check out the changes in the training programs

Discover the Odisee wide range of electives  (in Dutch) 



Order your study material

As a student, you will make use of a wide range of study materials during your studies: textbooks, ecourses, laptop, software, perhaps lab or work clothes.


More info about study material



Consult your course schedule and class group

As a student you are always linked to a class group. For each class group a timetable has been drawn up in which the lessons of compulsory subjects do not overlap.

Only after you have entered your individual study programme (ISP) you can consult your personal  course schedule.


More info about course schedules and class groups

Certificates and student card


After the processing of your (re)registration, the Student Administrative Services Centre will provide you via email:

  • a certificate confirming your registration (for the purchase of a season ticket with SNCB, STIB, ...)
  • an invoice with the fixed part of your tuition fee

As a new student, you will receive these in your personal mailbox. If you were already an Odisee student last academic year, you will receive these documents in your Odisee mailbox after you have re-registered online for the new academic year.

Student Card

You will receive your sustainable student card by mail at the earliest in mid-September. 

The Odisee student card is valid during your entire study career and is strictly personal. All rights you acquire with it, are exclusively meant for you. Keep this card carefully, you will only receive it once.

You will need it to gain access to certain classrooms, to print or copy on campus, to borrow materials from the library, as an identity check when taking exams...

In addition, with your student card you can often get great discounts at organisations, shops, museums,... Always check whether there is a student discount, or ask for one before you make your purchase.
Do you want a student discount and did you forget your student card? Use the sustainable student card in digital form.

Need help? A practical question?

Ask your question through the online desk!