Activate accounts
Here you will find information on how to activate your accounts before you start your postgraduate course or training.
This applies when you are enrolled in a programme at Odisee Advanced Education (OAE), EHSAL Management School (EMS), Fiscal College (FHS) or the Prevention & Environment Academy (PMA).
Step 1: Activate your Odisee account.
- Open the email 'Your Odisee account information'.
- Click on the link 'Activate here!'
- Can't find this email? Check your spam first!
- Didn't receive the email, can't find it or is your Odisee account no longer working? Go to and click on "Forgot account". Enter your national registration number (only for Belgians) or your name. You will receive an e-mail message. Follow the further instructions.
- Forgot your password? Go to and click on "forgot password" and enter your account.
- Your account, activation code and personal email address are filled in automatically
- Enter your cell phone number
- Put a check mark, click 'Continue' and follow further instructions
- With your Odisee account you can now access Odisee-specific applications such as WiFi on campus, computers in the library, ...
Step 2: Activate your Associatie KU Leuven account.
- Activate your KU Leuven c(vo) account now. This will give you access to our digital learning platform Toledo. There you will find your course materials, info about your class schedule, classrooms and company visits, etc.
- Go to or click on the link below
- Click on 'Profile' in the left column
- Log in with your Odisee login name (first name.last name) and your previously created personal password (see Step 1). Your profile will become visible. Modify/complete the data where necessary.
- Then click on the activation code next to "KUL CVO account activation code". This will create a new account for you. Enter your (Belgian) national registration number. If you do not have a Belgian national registration number because of foreign nationality, enter your date of birth (format: DDMMYYYYY).
- Choose a password.
- You did not find a c-account in your profile? If you can only activate an r-account or u-account and no c-account, please report this problem immediately via the link below and ask for an activation code for your c-account. Clearly state your name, the programme you are enrolled in and - if you know it - your c-account.
Getting started!
Now you're all set to start your course! Start exploring Toledo right away and find out the info for your course!
- Go to
Choose Google Chrome or Firefox. - Log in with your KU Leuven c(vo) account and password.
- Click on 'Log in.