Toledo @ Odisee

Toledo wordt vernieuwd met een nieuwe cursusomgeving

Toledo is Odisee's electronic learning environment in collaboration with KU Leuven and the partners of the KU Leuven Association.

For each course a Toledo course is automatically provided to which teachers and students become members together.

The learning environment contains tools for communication, information, evaluation and guidance.

Open Toledo  Read the quick guide


Toledo is an internal website of the KU Leuven Association. All the material made available through Toledo is exclusively used as study material to support the educational activities. Any other use requires the prior written permission of the authors and/or the instructors.

Toledo users commit to respect the confidentiality of the information provided.

All figures provided through the courses are provisional and meant to be used for feedback during the educational process. Toledo contains links to the official administrative system of the university college (Mijn Loket) to manage a.o. the ISP and to make exam results available.

An activated KUL account is required to maintain access to the ICT facilities offered by the KU Leuven Association.

Activating your accounts

If you changed courses or chose another elective, the old courses or communities will still exist in Toledo. You can manually unsubscribe from these accounts.

Consult the manual (Dutch)

Having problems opening files in Toledo?

A possible solution

Check the payment status in KU Loket if you cannot log in anymore.

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Do you have a problem getting access to Toledo?

Please contact the ICT-Servicedesk via

Are you a student in an academic program on an Odisee campus?

Make sure to look at all the information on

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Please check this page

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