Job Yourself

Ministerie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Minister Fremault


One of the initiatives within the Brussels Capital Region to encourage entrepreneurship and thus reduce unemployment is JobYourself.

The present organization is the result of the collaboration between Bruxelles-Emergences and DEBUuT, two activity cooperatives that have been active in this field for several years. Candidate entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to work out and test their project on the market for a limited period of time while keeping their unemployment benefits.

JobYourself aims for a social impact that is at once broader and more nuanced than the number of candidate entrepreneurs who have become self-employed or have found a job. Also important is the social dimension and the positive impact towards society because of the project specifically realized by the candidate entrepreneurs.

In the first research phase, a self-employment scan was developed at the micro level. JobYourself is the research project, but the scan is done with the candidate entrepreneurs who are guided to self-employment.

In a second research phase, the self-employment scan is tested, fine-tuned, fine-tuned and applied to current candidate entrepreneurs.

In a third research phase, the social impact within JobYourself is monitored and the validated method is applied to other forms of organizational contexts to promote (self-)employment.


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