Research Week 2025

CenSE Research Week 2025 - Odisee, University of Applied Sciences

From Monday 10th March to Wednesday 12th March, 2025

Explore. Innovate. Collaborate.

The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) at Odisee University of Applied Sciences is pleased to announce the second edition of the CenSE Research Week. This year’s theme is "Pathways to Sustainable Futures through Social and Circular Innovation". We focus on following Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG 17 (Partnerships). 

Let's co-create a sustainable and innovative future
by advancing the Social Circular Economy.

Register here

Research Week


The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) at Odisee University of Applied Sciences is organizing the second edition of the CenSE Research Week (2025). We bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to collaboratively explore pathways to a more sustainable and innovative society. As such, this research week is not just academic or theoretical in nature. We aim to develop hands-on knowledge and insights through the research and case presentations as well as workshops, leading to fruitful discussions and action points for various pressing social and environmental issues. 

This year’s edition focuses on SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), and highlights recent trends on the development of sustainable business models and effective impact measures as core themes for the Social Circular Economy

Throughout the week, participants get the opportunity to connect, discuss and network.

When & Where

We are pleased to welcome you on our campus in Brussels (Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussel) to kick off our Research Week.

The Research Week will take place from Monday March 10th until Wednesday March 12th, 2025.

The programme of the research week can be found below. 


For questions or further details, please reach out to:

The programme

Monday March 10th

10.00 Reception
10.30    Welcome 
Bart Henssen (Head of CenSE)

Sessions - Innovation in the Social Economy
Philippe Eiselein (CenSE) - European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC)
Dries Couckuyt (CenSE) - Digital Work Instructions (DWI)
12.00 Lunch & networking
Workshop - Trends in the Social Economy
Philippe Eiselein (CenSE) - GrowthFundMe
14.30 Break




Panel - Social Economy Digitalization/Education
Stefan Chichevaliev (Senior Researcher, CenSE)
Nóra Györke (Senior Project Officer, EASPD)
Elin McCallum (Founder of Bantani Education)
Peter Palvolgyi (Chief Operating Officer, All Digital)
Giulia Georg (Project Manager, DIESIS)
Anne Guisset (Research Expert, HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society, KU Leuven)
16.30 Closing Remarks 
17.00 Drink in Brussels (Optional)





Tuesday March 11th

9.00 Reception

Welcome & Keynote
Mieke Pieters (The Circular Hub) - Entrepreneurship as a Lever for Circular Transition
Tine Holvoet (VERSO) - Innovation in Social Profit 
10.30 Break 

Coline Serres (KUL) - Common Goods and Collective Action
Bart Henssen (CenSE) - Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility for Resilient Transport in AGing urban Environments (SMART-AGE)
12.00 Lunch & networking 

Sessions - Innovation in the Circular Economy
Sandra Rousseau (CEDON) - Product Service Systems
Elena Lievens (Artevelde) - KIKET
14.00 Break

Parallel Workshop
Bram Oers (CenSE) - Solving Circular Challenges with Action, Research and Policy
Anna Margolis & Fenna Blomsma (University of Hamburg) - Systemic Action Alignment for Collaborative Circular Oriented Innovation
16.45 Closing Remarks 
17.00 Drink in Brussels (Optional)

Wednesday March 12th

9.00 Reception

Welcome & Keynote 
Dirk Smits (Director of Research, Odisee)
Lotte Vandermeersch (Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen) - Towards a Circular Economy
Veronique Vermoesen (Artevelde) - Circular Business Models
10.30 Break 

Session - Circular Economy in the Health Sector
Inge Tency & Karen Brabant (Odisee) - Sustainable from Birth: Reusable Baby Diapers (EcoZorg)
Maarten Loomans (CenSE) - Toward Revalorization of Batteries from Medical Devices (Bettery)
12.00 Lunch & Networking 

Sessions - Circular Ecosystems
Johannes Rumbaut & Ingvild De Bondt (Stad Aalst) - Lessons Learned on “De Keet” as a Socio-Circular City
Annelies De Gendt (Stad Sint-Niklaas) - The Challenges of Building a Circular Ecosystem
Harri Kostilainen (Diaconia University of Applied Sciences) - Creating a National Ecosystem for WISEs in the Reuse Sector
Karen Brabant (Odisee) - Pitching Coming PWO Project on Collective Business Models
15.00 Break 

Parallel Workshop
Karen Brabant (CenSE) - Circular Partnership Game (Dutch)
Tine Van den Broeck & Steven Raeman (ExploRatio Odisee) - Climate Citizenship & Sustainability (Dutch)
Philippe Eiselein (CenSE) - Matchmaking : from Research Idea to Project Collaboration (English) 
16.30 Closing remarks 

Register here - Research Week 2025

Philippe Eiselein

More about the organiser Philippe Eiselein:

Philippe Eiselein is an expert with a mission in the field of sustainability. He works full-time as a senior researcher at the Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) within Odisee, and also part-time as a professor of social entrepreneurship and CSR at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He has been teaching Project Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Research Methods for nearly a decade. 

He is particularly known for his work on sustainability projects, with a focus on cross-sector collaboration and social entrepreneurship business models, as well as competency skills.


Philippe Eiselein

Karen Brabant

More about the organiser Karen Brabant:

Karen Brabant is a senior researcher at CenSE, focusing on sustainable circular partnerships and business models. She contributes to the advancement of the circular economy in Brussels, Flanders, and Europe through research and practical projects. 

She also coordinates bachelor's theses and teaches within the Organization and Management program.


Karen Brabant