Wie is wie
Tineke Jacobs
Junior researcher bij CenSE
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- tineke.jacobs@odisee.be
- Phone
- 02 609 88 64
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Bedrijfskunde
- Lid Onderzoekscentrum CenSE
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Workshop tool S-Circel (opens in a new window)Werkgroep Tewerkstelling en Kwaliteit - Repair Zkt Hub en Herstel Eerst, Location: Online
"Valuing Nature" GreenComp beachwalk (opens in a new window)Teach4SD Train-the-trainer, Date: 2024/09/11 - 2024/09/13, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Multimedia in education and activating students (opens in a new window)Training course Stairway to SDG 3.0, Location: Trento, Italy
Blended learning and educational design (opens in a new window)Training course Stairway to SDG 3.0, Location: Trento, Italy
Transversal sustainability competencies (opens in a new window)Working group: Transversal sustainability competencies, Location: Online
Introductie in systeemdenken toegepast op de klimaatuitdaging in het hoger onderwijs (opens in a new window)Seminarie Klimaateducatie in het hoger onderwijs, Location: VAC Gent
GreenComp - Embracing complexity in sustainability: introduction & workshop on systems thinking (opens in a new window)Teach4SD Train-the-trainer, Date: 2024/09/11 - 2024/09/13, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Workshop tool S-Circel (opens in a new window)Projectbureau De Keet, Location: Odisee campus Aalst
Denkdag - De Keet 2.0: Duurzame partnerschappen: inzichten uit de literatuur (opens in a new window)Denkdag De Keet 2.0, Location: Erembodgem, Aalst
Odisee poster at Teach4SD kick-off (opens in a new window)Open kick off conference Teach4SD, Location: VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark
Circulaire partnerschappen: voorlopige inzichten van een gestructureerde literatuurstudie (opens in a new window)Themadag samenwerkingsverbanden Circulair Werk(t)!, Location: Aalst
GreenComp - Embracing complexity in sustainability: peer-to-peer learning session (opens in a new window)Teach4SD Train-the-trainer, Date: 2024/09/11 - 2024/09/13, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Slotevenement S-Circel: Circulaire en sociale ecosystemen met het oog op doorstroom naar betaalde arbeid (opens in a new window)Slotevenement S-Circel, Location: Odisee campus Aalst
The GrowthFundMe project: an interim report (opens in a new window)Transnational Meeting, Location: Zutphen
Gesprekstafel Duurzaamheidscompetenties verweven in het opleidingsaanbod (opens in a new window)Associatie KU Leuven Netwerkdag Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs, Location: Leuven
TEACH4SD: First working session on development of educational materials for sector specific sustainability competences (opens in a new window)TEACH4SD Preparation first working session, Location: Online
Second working session on development of educational materials for sector specific sustainability competences (opens in a new window)TEACH4SD Preparation second working session, Location: Online
Presentatie TEACH4SD op Associatie KU Leuven Netwerkdag Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs (opens in a new window)Associatie KU Leuven Netwerkdag Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs, Location: Leuven
The impact of work-life balance on board membership (opens in a new window)Gender diversity on corporate boards: a road to sustainability; 2024; pp. 46 - 60OdiseeISBN: 9781445294735
Gender diversity and national culture (opens in a new window)Gender diversity on corporate boards: a road to sustainability; 2024; pp. 114 - 125OdiseeISBN: 9781445294735
Competentiemodel voor leidinggevenden in sociaal-circulaire samenwerkingen (opens in a new window)Eiselein, Philippe; Brabant, Karen
GrowthFundMe - Module 1 - Social Entrepreneurship (opens in a new window)Jacobs, Tineke; Eiselein, Philippe
GrowthFundMe - Module 6 - Audience development and stakeholder engagement (opens in a new window)Eiselein, Philippe; Jacobs, tineke
Gender diversity on corporate boards: a road to sustainability (opens in a new window)Jacobs, Tineke; de With, RobOdisee University of Applied SciencesISBN: 9781445294735
Towards a Just Circular Transition: Fostering Principles and Stakeholder Roles in Sustainable Partnerships (opens in a new window)Journal Of Cleaner Production; 2025; Vol. 486