Wie is wie
Thomas Abeel
Onderzoeker aquacultuur
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
- thomas.abeel@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid onderwijsteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Rivierkreeft moet opnieuw op menukaart (opens in a new window)Het Laatste Nieuws; 2015
Effect of red algae in feed for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (opens in a new window)Effect of red algae in feed for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Rendabiliteitsstudie “Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen” (opens in a new window)Rendabiliteitsstudie “Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen”; 2020
Reprolota: Voortplantingsonderzoek bij zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota) (opens in a new window)Eindrapport Reprolota: Voortplantingsonderzoek bij zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota); 2023
Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen (opens in a new window)Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen; 2023
Ligt er binnenkort een uitgestorven vis op je bord? (opens in a new window)Vlaams infocentrum land- en tuinbouw; 2021
Vraatzuchtige exotische rivierkreeft bedreigt Sint-Jansvijvers in Zonhoven (opens in a new window)Het Nieuwsblad; 2020Scheers, Kevin; Abeel, thomas
Vraatzuchtige exotische rivierkreeft bedreigt Sint-Jansvijvers (opens in a new window)Het Belang van Limburg; 2020Scheers, Kevin; Abeel, Thomas
Duurzame vis: onderzoekers kweken zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)VRT Nieuwsjournaal; 2021Claeyé, Joachim; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter
De kwabaal is terug! (opens in a new window)Hippocampus – magazine van de Nederlandstalige liga voor onderwateronderzoek en sport Nelos; 2021; iss. 285; pp. 66 - 70Claeyé, Joachim; Meeus, Wouter; Abeel, Thomas
Leden in Europa: Met de steun van Europa verdiept Odisee zich in aquacultuur (opens in a new window)Abeel, thomas; Adriaen, jurgen; Vandenberg, willem; Claeyé, Joachim; Meeus, Wouter
Zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)Visaktua; 2018; iss. juli-augustus 2018; pp. 26 - 27Adriaen, Jurgen; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter; Claeyé, joachim
Onderzoek omtrent de zoetwaterkabeljauw op het Aqua-ERF (opens in a new window)Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, wouter; Claeyé, joachim
De roodschaarkreeft: Kwalitatief marktonderzoek bij consumenten (opens in a new window)Abeel, Thomas; Kevelaerts, Lennerd; Vanden Eede, Saskia
Controle over de voortplanting van de zoetwaterkabeljauw om het pootvisaanbod te vergroten (opens in a new window)Claeyé, joachim; Abeel, thomas; Arnouts, heidi; Van Delsen, bart; Meeus, wouter
First records of alien crayfish of the Procambarus acutus species complex in Belgium (opens in a new window)Bioinvasions Records; 2020; Vol. 9; iss. 3; pp. 562 - 569
The invasive parthenogenetic marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis Lyko, 2017 gets foothold in Belgium (opens in a new window)Bioinvasions Records; 2021; Vol. 10; iss. 2; pp. 326 - 340
Op stage bij de zuiderburen (opens in a new window)AQUAcultuur ; 2016; Vol. 3; pp. 32 - 36
Zoetwaterkabeljauw: Op weg naar de fijnproever (opens in a new window)AQUAcultuur ; 2017; Vol. 32; iss. 1; pp. 19 - 23
The Illegal Trade of the Invasive Marbled Crayfish in Belgium (opens in a new window)Crayfish News; 2024; Vol. 45; iss. 3-4; pp. 1 - 5
R&D brings burbot back to Belgium (opens in a new window)Hatchery International; 2020; Vol. 21; iss. 5; pp. 1,16 - 17
Studiedag zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)AQUAcultuur; 2019; Vol. 34; iss. 1; pp. 5 - 8
Smart Aquaponics: Development of a tool for education, decision support & monitoring for aquaponics (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 19, Date: 2019/10/07 - 2019/10/10, Location: Berlijn
Incorporation of black soldier fly larvae (hermetia illucens) in the diet of omega perch (therapon barcoo) (opens in a new window)European Aquculture Society, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh
CheRAS - onderzoek naar teelt van roodschaarkreeften (opens in a new window)Vlaams Aquacultuur Symposium, Date: 2020/10/30 - 2020/10/30, Location: online (webinar)
Environmental enrichment and its potential in fish aquaculture (opens in a new window)Fish Welfare Mini Symposium, Date: 2019/11/29 - 2019/11/29, Location: Oostende, Belgium
Preliminary assessment of the native benthic predators, burbot (Lota lota) and catfish (Silurus glanis) , as biological control agents for marbled crayfish (opens in a new window)IAA24 Symposium of the International Association of Astacology, Date: 2024/09/16 - 2024/09/20, Location: Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Croatia
The effect of broodstock diets and fatty acids composition on the reproduction of burbot (lota lota) in recirculating systems (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe, Date: 2023/09/19 - 2023/09/22, Location: Wenen, Oostenrijk
Nociception and pain perception in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) using the novel object paradigm (opens in a new window)International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Date: 2014/09/03 - 2014/09/05, Location: Clermont-Ferrand, France
The Search for a Noble Crayfish Diet (opens in a new window)International Association of Astacology Symposium, Date: 2014/09/22 - 2014/09/26, Location: Sapporo, Japan
Effect of commercial and vegetable diets on growth performance, survival rate and cheliped loss in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) under intensive culture conditions (opens in a new window)IAA, Date: 2014/09/22 - 2014/09/26, Location: Sapporo, Japan
Early weaning of Burbot (Lota lota) in RAS (opens in a new window)European Aquaculture Society, Date: 2014/01/01 - 2014/01/01, Location: San Sebastian
Determing Feeding regime and optimal density for the commercial culture of burbot (opens in a new window)Domestication of Finfish Aquaculture, Date: 2012/10/23 - 2012/10/25, Location: Olsztyn-Mragowo
Effect of different housing methods on specific growth rate, survival and cheliped loss in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) in a recirculating aquaculture system (opens in a new window)CrayCro - European Crayfish meeting, Date: 2013/09/27 - 2013/09/27, Location: Rovinj, Kroatië
Drop that fish!”: visitor study in the aquarium of Antwerp Zoo (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium (British Association of Zoos and Aquaria), Date: 2011/07/06 - 2011/07/07, Location: Bristol, UK.
Photoperiod affects light/dark preference and exploratory behaviour in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) (opens in a new window)International Association of Astacology, Date: 2016/09/05 - 2016/09/08, Location: Madrid, Spain
Burbot larviculture: To enrich or not? (opens in a new window)Aqua 2018, Date: 2018/08/25 - 2018/08/29, Location: Montpelier
Zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota) in Vlaanderen: stand van zaken (opens in a new window)Vlaams aquacultuur symposium, Date: 2012/01/14 - 2012/01/01, Location: Beitem
Fishmeal replacement by feather meal and feather meal hydrolysate in rainbow trout (o. Mykiss) (opens in a new window)International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Date: 2018/06/03 - 2018/06/07, Location: Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
Burbot back in the Belgian kitchen? (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe, Date: 2017/10/17 - 2017/10/20, Location: Dubrovnik
The road to commercial burbot aquaculture – a summary (opens in a new window)7th International Symposium on Burbot, 14th International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Date: 2022/06/28 - 2022/07/01, Location: Montpellier, France
Effect of Elevated Ionized Ammonium (NH4+) Concentrations on Growth Performance and Mortality of Burbot (Lota lota L.) (opens in a new window)18th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development, Date: 2019/09/26 - 2019/09/28, Location: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Establishing culture parameters for noble crayfish (Astacus astacus, L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems (opens in a new window)IAA Symposium, Date: 2012/08/26 - 2012/08/31, Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Assessing the effect of different light conditions on crayfish welfare using a dark-light preference maze (opens in a new window)BIAZA, Date: 2015/07/07 - 2015/07/08, Location: Dublin, Ireland
Methionine enrichment of artemia for application in burbot (lota lota) larviculture (opens in a new window)European Aquculture Society, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Effect of illuminance and white light spectrum on growth performance in noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.) (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
The effect of different nspase levels in the diet of nile tilapia (o. niloticus) on growth performance, feed utilization, and selected parameters reflecting energy metabolism and gut integrity (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 16, Date: 2016/09/21 - 2016/09/23, Location: Edinburgh
Effect of Photoperiod on Juvenile Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) Performance in a Closed Aquaculture System (opens in a new window)International Crayfish Meeting, Date: 2019/08/27 - 2019/08/30, Location: Visby, Gotland, Sweden
Burbot aquaculture (opens in a new window)"Pikeperch and burbot aquaculture" seminar, Date: 2019/12/11 - 2019/12/11, Location: Tome, Latvia
Burbot Research at Aqua-ERF (opens in a new window)Visit InnoAquaTech, Location: Zele
Aqua-ERF, Research and Education (opens in a new window)International workshop on freshwater aquaculture research priorities in Europe, Date: 2019/05/08 - 2019/05/09, Location: Tartu
De zoetwaterkabeljauw als kweek- en consumptievis (opens in a new window)Studiedag zoetwaterkabeljauw, Location: Sint-Niklaas
De hoogtepunten van Aquavlan2 (opens in a new window)Aquavlan2 slotbijeenkomst - Aquacultuur in stroomversnelling, Location: Middelburg, Nederland
Effect of temperature and different spawning agents on reproduction success of burbot in captivity (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 2019, Date: 2019/10/08 - 2019/10/10, Location: Berlin
Effect of early weaning and co-feeding in burbot larvicluture (opens in a new window)The 18h International Conference ”LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, Date: 2019/09/26 - 2019/09/28, Location: CLuj-Napoca
A low cost set-up to measure underwater spectral irradiance in aquaria (opens in a new window)BIAZA Annual Research Conference, Date: 2016/06/28 - 2016/06/29, Location: Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster
Gedragsonderzoeken bij de Europese rivierkreeft (Astacus astacus) - Gedragsstudies bij solitaire en gezamenlijke huisvestingen (opens in a new window)Abeel, thomas; Meeus, Wouter; Abeel, Thomas
Optimalisatie van lichtsterkte in de teelt van juveniele Australische roodschaarkreeften (opens in a new window)Arnouts, Heidi; Abeel, Thomas
Buikvetreductie bij de omegabaars (Scortum barcoo) door wijziging van de voedersamenstelling, de voederhoeveelheid en zwemactiviteit (opens in a new window)Claeyé, Joachim; Arnouts, Heidi; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter
The use of non starch polysaccharide degrading enzymes in Tilapia (O. Niloticus) nutrition: Determining dose-response (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 15 Abstracts ; 2015; pp. 153 - 153Aquaculture Europe 15, Date: 2015/10/20 - 2015/10/23, Location: Rotterdam
Evaluation of the influence of light conditions on crayfish welfare in intensive aquaculture (opens in a new window)Proceedings Eursafe: Food Futures. Ethics, Science & Culture pages ; 2016; Vol. 13; pp. 244 - 250EurSafe, Date: 2016/09/28 - 2016/10/01, Location: Porto
Pain perception in crayfish (Astacus astacus): empirical observations and ethical consequences (opens in a new window)Know your food. Food ethics and innovation ; 2015; pp. 157 - 162Wageningen Academic Publishers; Wageningen, The NetherlandsISBN: 9789086862641DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-813-1_23SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-85040031589