Wie is wie
Alea Fairchild
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
- alea.fairchild@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Opleiding Bachelor of Business Management - Campus Brussel
- Lid Kernteam Opleiding Bachelor of Business Management - Campus Brussel
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
A View on Knowledge Management: Utilizing a Balanced Scorecard Methodology for Analyzing Knowledge Metrics (opens in a new window)STRATEGIES FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GOVERNANCE; 2004; pp. 169 - 186IDEA GROUP PUBLISHING
Transformational Government Through eGov Practice: Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Technological Issues (opens in a new window)Transforming data privacy through governmental crossroad banks in Belgium; 2012Akhter Shareef, Mahmud; Archer, Norm; Dwivedi, Yogesh K; Mishra, Alok; Pandey, Sanjay KEmerald Group Publishing Limited; United KingdomISBN: 9781780523347
Developing a Tool to Enhance Strategic Alignment Towards Business Performance (opens in a new window)Enterprise IT Governance, Business Value and Performance Measurement; 2010Si Shi, Nan; Silvius, GilbertIGI Global
Twenty-First-Century Smart Facilities Management: Ambient Networking in Intelligent Office Buildings (opens in a new window)Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the IoT Environment; 2019; pp. 223 - 236SpringerISBN: 978-3-030-04172-4
The need for privacy-enhancing Identity Management (opens in a new window)Digital Privacy-Prime-Privacy and Identity Management for Europe ; 2011; Vol. 6545; pp. 53 - 71Camenisch, Jan; Leenes, Ronald; Sommer, DieterSpringer-Verlag; Berlin HeidelbergISBN: 978-3642190490ISSN: 0302-9743DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19050-6-4SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-79955801799
Patterns of Trust: Role of Certification for SME Cloud Adoption (opens in a new window)Continued Rise of the Cloud: Advances and Trends in Cloud Computing; 2014Springer-Verlag; London, UK
Privacy-Enhancing Identity Management in Business (opens in a new window)Digital Privacy; 2011Camenisch, Jan; Sommer, Dieter; Leenes, RonaldSpringer
Evaluation and redesign of blended learning courses: A systematic approach using the First Principles of Instruction (opens in a new window)Current Trends in Higher Education in Europe - Aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen im europäischen Hochschulwesen. ; 2016; Vol. 75; pp. 149 - 162Holz, Oliver; Aleksandrovich, Maria; Zoglowek, HerbertLIT Verlag; MünsterISBN: 978-3-643-13419-6
The Phenix project: A case study of e-justice in Belgium (opens in a new window)2006 ICEC: Eighth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Proceedings; 2006; pp. 327 - 3338th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2006), Date: 2006/08/13 - 2006/08/16, Location: CANADA, Fredericton
The Evolution of the e-ID card in Belgium: Data Privacy and Multi-Application Usage (opens in a new window)Sixth International Conference on Digital Society; 2012ICDS, Date: 2012/01/30 - 2012/02/04, Location: Valencia, Spain
Belgif: After Belgium seperates, WALGIF? (opens in a new window)PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-GOVERNMENT; 2008; pp. 227 - 233European Conference on Electronic Government (ECEG), Date: 2008/07/10 - 2008/07/11, Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Domain name dispute solution: the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) system (opens in a new window)12th European Conference on eGovernment ; 2012; Vol. 2; pp. 900 - 907ECEG, Date: 2012/06/14 - 2012/06/15, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Assessing Strategic Alignment to Improve IT Effectiveness (opens in a new window)eEnablement: Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety; 2009; pp. 426 - +BLED, Date: 2009/06/14 - 2009/06/17, Location: Bled, Slovenia
A Proper Balance for Measures Against Software Piracy and Counterfeiting (opens in a new window)PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EGOVERNMENT; 2010; pp. 163 - 166European Conference on eGovernment, Date: 2010/06/17 - 2010/06/18, Location: Limerick, Cork
Governance in the Cloud: Role of Certification for SME Trust and Adoption (opens in a new window)CONF-IRM 2013 Proceedings ; 2013; pp. 1 - 6CONF-IRM, Date: 2013/05/22 - 2013/05/24, Location: Natal, Brazil
The I-FIT model: developing a tool to detect potential alignment problems (opens in a new window)European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2008; 2008European and Mediterranean, Location: Dubai
ENCOURAGING USER PARTICIPATION IN BLENDED LEARNING: COURSE REORIENTATION (opens in a new window)Proceedings CELDA 2015 ; 2015International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age 2015, Date: 2015/10/24 - 2015/10/26, Location: Maynooth, Ireland
Extending the Network: Defining Product Delivery Partnering Preferences for Omni-channel Commerce (opens in a new window)CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems ; 2014; Vol. 16; pp. 447 - 451CENTERIS, Date: 2014/10/15 - 2014/10/17, Location: Troia, Lisbon, Portugal
From the ashes of phoenix: e-justice in a surreal country (opens in a new window)PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-GOVERNMENT; 2008; pp. 235 - 240European Conference on Electronic Government (ECEG), Date: 2008/07/10 - 2008/07/11, Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
E-Accessibility and Municipal Wi-Fi: Exploring a Model for Inclusivity and Implementation (opens in a new window)International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) ; 2010; Vol. 2; iss. 2; pp. 52 - 66
What is the Role of Third Party Logistics (3PL) Partners in an Omni-Channel Strategy? (opens in a new window)International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ; 2016; Vol. 7; iss. 1; pp. 22 - 32
Evaluation and redesign of blended learning courses: A systematic approach using the First Principles of Instruction (opens in a new window)International Conference on 'Current Trends in Higher Education in Europe', Date: 2016/05/27 - 2016/05/28, Location: Brussels